Experience the robust NetSuite-Order Management Integration with HotWax

Efficiency and precision define the synergy between HotWax Commerce and NetSuite. This direct integration offers accurate sync of inventory, sales orders, and fulfillment updates.

HotWax - NetSuite Integration

Experience the robust NetSuite-Order Management integration with HotWax

Efficiency and precision define the synergy between HotWax Commerce and NetSuite. This direct integration ensures seamless synchronization of inventory, sales orders, and fulfillment updates, offering enterprise retailers a straightforward path to streamlined omnichannel retailing operations and scalable success.

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Pre-built Integration

Experience streamlined omnichannel operations by leveraging the pre-built integration with NetSuite. This direct integration simplifies workflows, accelerates order fulfillment, and provides accurate processing, whether fulfilling online orders directly from HotWax Commerce or utilizing NetSuite for warehouse fulfillment.


Bi-directional Communication

Eliminate data silos and achieve seamless, two-way data sync between NetSuite and HotWax Commerce Order Management System. Every update to customer data, inventory transactions, sales orders, and their status is instantly reflected across both platforms, empowering confident financial planning and timely reporting.


Modern Integration APIs

Leverage modern integration tech offered by NetSuite, including SuiteScript 2.X APIs, Saved Searches along with Search Task function from the N/Task module for faster and more efficient data exchange. This robust framework guarantees optimized operations and rapid sync.

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Data Integrity

The integration doesn't just synchronize data; it safeguards its integrity. Utilize auto-generated gap analysis dashboards that act as proactive tools, promptly identifying potential systemic issues. This ensures that your financial data remains consistent, reliable, and aligned across integrated systems.

How Does HotWax Commerce and NetSuite Work Together?

Accurately Synchronize Inventory

Automatically Synchronize eCommerce Sales Orders

Automatically Synchronize eCommerce Sales Orders

Order Approval & Allocation

Orders are approved once all the necessary details and required references are established. This authorization triggers the routing of orders to their designated fulfillment locations.

When order items are allocated to stores for fulfillment, they automatically appear in the HotWax Commerce Store Fulfillment App.

When order items are allocated to warehouses that leverage NetSuite for fulfillment, HotWax Commerce seamlessly updates fulfillment locations for order line items in NetSuite. Read more

NetSuite order allocation
NetSuite order allocation

Seamlessly Fulfill & Invoice Sales Orders

Seamlessly Fulfill & Invoice Sales Orders

Order Fulfillment from Stores

Upon fulfillment of order line items from stores within HotWax Commerce, the order status automatically transitions to "completed" and corresponding fulfillment records are created in NetSuite.

Subsequently, the order status in NetSuite is updated to "pending billing" for further processing.

NetSuite order fulfillment stores
NetSuite order fulfillment stores

Seamlessly Fulfill & Invoice Sales Orders

Order Fulfillment from Warehouses

Upon fulfillment of order line items from warehouses within NetSuite, the order status automatically transitions to "pending billing."

Simultaneously, the fulfillment data is synchronized to HotWax Commerce and the order status is updated to "completed." Read more

NetSuite order fulfillment warehouse wh
NetSuite order fulfillment warehouse wh

Easily Synchronize POS Orders

Instantly Receive Inventory against Inbound Shipments and Purchase Orders

Instantly Receive Inventory against Inbound Shipments and Purchase Orders

Read Transfer Orders

Transfer Orders facilitate inventory movement from warehouses to stores or between stores.

Upon reading the latest fulfilled transfer order in NetSuite, HotWax Commerce automatically creates an inbound shipment in the HotWax Commerce Inventory Receiving App, while simultaneously reducing inventory at the origin location. Read more

NetSuite transfer order
NetSuite transfer order

Instantly Receive Inventory against Inbound Shipments and Purchase Orders

Synchronize Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders facilitate inventory replenishment in physical stores.

The latest Purchase Orders created in NetSuite are automatically synchronized to HotWax Commerce.

These Purchase Orders are directly reflected in the HotWax Commerce Inventory Receiving App to initiate receiving against them. Read more

NetSuite purchase order
NetSuite purchase order

Periodically Conduct Cycle Counts and Log Variances

From automated inventory sync to order fulfillment, HotWax Commerce and NetSuite's pre-built integration offers efficient workflows, real-time data consistency, accurate accounting & postings.

Start your Omnichannel Transformation