HotWax Commerce's intelligent Order Routing App helps fulfill orders fast at reduced cost.
Fulfil orders fast at reduced cost with intelligent order routing and intuitive fulfillment apps.
Configurable Order Routing
Go beyond simple FIFO order fulfillment by prioritising orders based on configurable attributes such as delivery method, customer loyalty status, or product category.
Configurable Order Routing
Route online orders to fulfillment locations using configurable rules that take into account factors such as proximity to the customer's address, inventory levels, and fulfillment capacity.
Configurable Order Routing
Shipping zones are determined by distance from the customer’s location to the fulfillment location. Lower the shipping zone, lower is the shipping cost and transit time. Zone based fulfillment routes orders to particular warehouse or store locations by identifying inventory in the lowest shipping zone from the customer’s address.
Configurable Order Routing
Route online orders to fulfillment locations using configurable rules that take into account factors such as proximity to the customer's address, inventory levels, and fulfillment capacity.
Configurable Order Routing
Shipping zones are determined by distance from the customer’s location to the fulfillment location. Lower the shipping zone, lower is the shipping cost and transit time. Zone based fulfillment routes orders to particular warehouse or store locations by identifying inventory in the lowest shipping zone from the customer’s address.
Configurable Order Routing
To cater to walk-in customers, retailers can set safety stock at their store locations.
When a store's inventory level reaches the designated safety stock, the routing engine will not allocate further online orders to the store, preserving the remaining stock exclusively for in-store sales.
Configurable Order Routing
When an order includes multiple items, the routing engine searches for a single fulfillment location with all order items. If, after two routing attempts, a fulfillment location with all order items in stock isn't found, the order is divided into multiple shipments and fulfilled from different locations.
Configurable Order Routing
Retailers have the flexibility to choose locations that are eligible for fulfilling online orders. If fulfillment is disabled from a location, due to operational constraints, the order routing engine will not allocate orders to these locations.
Configurable Order Routing
Stores with low-staff may face challenges handling a high volume of online orders. In that event, store managers can easily set a max order limit for their store to limit the number of orders they can fulfill in a day.
If the assigned orders for a store reach its set maximum limit, the routing engine automatically routes new orders to a different fulfillment location. The following day, the store automatically becomes eligible to accept new orders.
Configurable Order Routing
While your catalog may include a variety of products, not all of them are suitable for shipping directly from stores. Certain items, such as products with special service value add-on or new launches, might be better served by being exclusively available in physical stores.
In that event, store managers can disable fulfillment for specific products at particular store locations.