Daily Unfulfilled Expedited Orders Report

Sample Daily Unfulfilled Expedited Orders report

According to the State of Shipping Report, 62% of consumers expect their orders to arrive in less than three business days. To help expedite shipping, many brands have started implementing same-day/next-day delivery. That sounds like an easy fix, right?


Well, sometimes omnichannel order fulfillment teams can't fulfill same-day/next-day orders due to inventory discrepancies or other reasons. Orders go unfulfilled, which leads to increased order cancellations, poor customer service, and broken promises.


To provide a better customer experience, merchants have dedicated Customer Success Teams. The Customer Success Team wants to be on top of unfulfilled expedited delivery orders and continuously work on decreasing the order cancellation rate.


To effectively manage unfulfilled expedited orders, Customer Success Teams need a Daily Unfulfilled Expedited Orders Report. This report provides a granular view of all the unfulfilled same-day/next-day delivery orders. It also helps identify the order’s last brokered location with brokering time.


Furthermore, the report will help Customer Success Teams to evaluate the efficiency of their expedited shipping fulfillment process. Due to the large volume of expedited orders handled by an OMS daily, merchants prefer to have a daily report of all unfulfilled orders.



Head of eCommerce, Vice President of Retail



Daily Unfulfilled Expedited Orders Report