Hourly ON Pre-Order and OFF Pre-Order Report

Sample Hourly ON Pre-Order and OFF Pre-Order Report

A merchandiser wants to determine which items should be available for Pre-Orders based on purchase orders and the queue of sales orders. They use a Pre-Order Management System to automatically list and delist pre-order products on eCommerce based on multiple rules.

Technical or operational challenges may prevent products from being available for pre-orders on eCommerce, or vice versa. So merchandisers want to spot-check on products that should be listed or delisted as pre-orders on eCommerce to avoid over-selling or underselling.

The Hourly ON and OFF Pre-Order Report helps merchandisers quickly identify products that are listed for accepting pre-orders and products that are recently delisted for taking Pre-Orders from eCommerce. With the help of these Shopify reports, merchandisers can quickly identify gaps and take action to fill the gaps.



Head of eCommerce, Merchandising Team



Hourly ON Pre-Order and OFF Pre-Order Report_